fredag den 15. maj 2009

Ich bin ein Berliner

I'm sorry I haven't been online for a loong time ! When I started this blog, I thought I would write everyday, at least every week! Anyway, my laptop has been to "gosting", so that's why(:
I have a lot to tell! (:
I've been in Berlin, for 5 days with my school. It was a nice trip, I think Berling is a great city! It has a lot to offer, like coffe houses, shopping all kind, it's easy to get aroung, and people are nice, there is just one thing, they speak german !!
And it really sucks that I HAVE to learn it, and that I HAVE to go to the exame, to get into a gymnasium!! Anyway, one of them is over (:
It was a nice trip, besides our teachers, but as a class it was really relaxing. We looked out for each other, no fights and that kind of stuff(:
One day we flew a kite, it was like being 6 again :')
My sisters konfirmation is tomorrow, and I'm really looking forward! :D
I've wrote a spech for her (':
My little sister is growing up :'D

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