søndag den 21. juni 2009

My hero

I'm afraid of the wood..
I found out today, I really was trying hard to go trough it, I just couldn't!
I think it's because I've watched too much tv today.
Tv where the heroe dies.
And in my movie I'm suppose to be the hero.
So that's why I'm scared...
And if we look on another opportunity, who else would be the hero in my movie?


I don't know what to do.

I don't know what to feel.

I don't know what to be.

lørdag den 6. juni 2009

2 month

It's such a weird thought.

2 month.

In 2 month school will be over.
In 2 month I've been on Roskilde Festival for the first time.
In 2 month I've said goodbye to all my friends and familie.
In 2 month I'm going to sit on a plain, with the thought in my head.

2 month went fast.

In 2 month I wont return to Denmark for a year.

Am I happy or sad ?
Why do I leave?
Do I leave forever?
Is this too big for me?
What will the first day of school be like?

I can't seem to decide.
But I still have 2 month left to enjoy all the people I love here in Denmark <3

fredag den 5. juni 2009


I survived !!! :D

7 is okay (:

It's just really anoying that they ALWAYS tell me to believe more in my self. And to control more.... I feel like I'm going no where..

onsdag den 3. juni 2009


I'm sitting here, waiting for the clock to turn 1..
Waiting to die.
Waiting to get killed the slow way.
Waiting to it's my turn, to walk in to the room.
The room where so many people has been killed.


tirsdag den 2. juni 2009

Carnival <3

Who would have thought that a carnival could bring so much happiness ? :D

Maybe a many people, but I had never been to a carnival. And now finally I tried it, and right form the start, I loved it!!

There where so many fun people gethered at the same place, at the same time ! <3

And it just made me want to dance soooo bad!!