Snot sucks.
In Denmark we sometimes say for fun;
“Are you fresh?
No it’s snot.”
Really bad joke, but I mean we’re Danes ;) Surprise!
When people visit Denmark, we often learn them to say “Rød grød med fløde!”
Try to say it! :D It’s really difficult for English speaking people, because we have the letters Æ Ø Å!
I just found these really fun pictures of me and my friend Pernille! xD
We were at this party, and found this green thing, where you can put your head through and get some great pictures! xD
Anyway I should get going with my school project; I’ve only got 1 and ½ week left! And I also have to decide my future! I mean, come on, that's not that hard!? It's only the rest of your life? I think it's a hard choice! But I can start with the next 4 years! :D
A year in the US :D on high school! :D I can't wait!
and then 3 years in gymnasium! Yay! That's the way, ah ha ah ha ah ha ha! ;D DONE!
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