I miss someone to kiss !
I miss someone to talk to !
I miss someone to make me laugh !
I just remembered a conversation me and Asta had, a while ago. It was about hugs, and that there is a really hug different how people hug! Some people hug standing wiht 3 feets space between the person they hug, that the empty hugs. Some people hug like they are killing you, that's kind of scary. Other people often they are bigger than you, some like a teddy bear, hug with all their body and heart, and that's the best hugs! :'D That's the hugs you miss, that's the hug you want to stay in forever!
It's also a hug like that I miss ! From a really sweet guy, in Louisville !
And the kiss I miss, is the kind of kiss that only a guy you love can give! My guy <3
I'll give him one tomorrow, but I miss it, every minut he isn't here:')
The girl I would give anything to talk to, is sooo far away! But she is coming home in a month! Only one month !!
I can't wait to talk with her, from late night to the morning(: I MISS HER!!! :*
Someone to laugh with, yeah my sister can take the honour for that! :D Pøllegubi! HAHAHA! xD
awww :)
SvarSlethaha i love getting hugs.